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Analog Electronics is a vital book for all electronics designers to have to hand - it will answer nagging questions about core analog theory and design principles as well as offering practical design ideas.
The second edition of this popular text has been enhanced with concise design implementations, with many of the circuits taken from Ian Hickman's magazine articles.
Although not a traditional textbook, Analog Electronics is also an ideal course text for students at HNC/HND and degree level. The contents have been carefully matched to provide full coverage of the appropriate units in the new BTEC Higher National Engineering scheme from Edexcel.
Ian Hickman is looked to by thousands of circuit designers for his innovative design ideas and clear explanations of the fundamentals of analog circuit design. This book is a distillation of Hickman's design insights, introducing all the main areas of analog electronics.
THE professional text for analog electronics
Includes numerous practical circuit ideas
- Sales Rank: #6956142 in Books
- Published on: 1990-06
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x 7.75" w x 1.00" l,
- Binding: Hardcover
From the Publisher
Analog Electronics is a vital book for all electronics designers to have to hand. It will answer nagging questions about core analog theory and design principles as well as offering practical design ideas.
Students at degree level will find in Analog Electronics an ideal course text. However, it does not have the feel of a textbook - this is the real thing - from a leading designer. For students with a practical bent and career aims in the industry this book will teach them the tricks of the trade that they will not learn in the classroom. The contents of the second edition have been carefully matched to provide full coverage of the appropriate units in the new BTEC Higher National Engineering scheme from Edexcel (UK).
About the Author
EUR.ING, BSc Hons, C. Eng, MIEE, MIEEE, Electronics author and freelance journalist
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horrible, out of time.
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